a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Join the Community Catalyst Project

Experience a new kind of coaching program that brings professionals from diverse fields together.

🌟 Coming in 2024 🌟Community Catalysts

🔍 Redefining Coaching: This is not your traditional coaching program! Community Catalysts is a ground-breaking initiative by Thyme for Change, aiming to unite local professionals from diverse fields - from realtors to educators, craftsmen to restaurateurs, and beyond.

🤝 A Network of Mentors: Imagine a world where experienced professionals in health, computer science, engineering, culinary arts, education, and various trades become mentors. We're making it happen!

🌍 Building Community Bonds: Our coaches aren't just experts; they're partners, collaborators, and community builders. They're the linchpins connecting the wisdom of experience with the enthusiasm of the younger generation.

🚀 Forging Future Leaders: Whether it's in the bustling streets of our cities or the quiet corners of our neighborhoods, Community Catalysts is about nurturing talent, sharing knowledge, and creating a brighter future for all.

🔗 Join Us: Stay tuned for more details on how you can be a part of this transformative journey. Together, let's shape the leaders of tomorrow, today!